This game is impressive, and fun, despite what most people seem to think.
Side Note: The gameplay can be fun or frustrating depending on what type of person you are, and what you like to do. If you're a hothead, do not buy this game, because you will be frustrated at some points of the game. If you like to think, then this game is an excellent choice for you. If you are a hardcore gamer that has a quest to be the next Simon Cowell of video games, do not buy this game, because you WILL dislike it (unless it's a rare case) and you will give the game a bad name. You begin this game as one of the main characters, Robert Langdon. You have arrived in Paris, in a situation you would not like: a man you were supposed to meet has been murdered and he has left some nice hints behind for you. The French police captain, Fache, has you help him figure out the murder. You attempt to unravel the murder, to be informed by Agent Sophie Neveu, another main character, that the French police captain is convinced that you are guilty of the murder. What a better situation to be in! You must now get the French police away and figure out the clues Sauniere has left behind. You must find the secrets of the Priory of Sion, a secret society. You later on learn some interesting things about Jesus and the holy grail. When it comes to solving puzzles, the game has a lot more meaning when you do not use walkthroughs. You examine objects to find things that help you in your objectives, you solve riddles and decrypt messages. Some of the puzzles are easy, and some are very difficult, but as mentioned before, I believe that is what makes a game based on one big puzzle fun. The combat on the other hand takes skill and good anticipation. It can be annoying to try to attack one guy while another one keeps grabbing you and pushing you around. That can be frustrating. But often times, if you use your head, you can sneak up behind enemies to beat them into a nice sleep. You can hide around corners and lure enemies into coming to your direction, and then you can ambush them (this may take some time to get it down). In basic 1-on-1 combat, you press a set of buttons that are shown to you. If you mess one up, your enemy will hit you. And it will hurt. When pushing a person, you move them around to push them into a solid object. If that doesn't work out, you have to defend. Defending is similar to attacking. You press a set of buttons shown one by one. When throwing someone (it is like pushing someone, except..) you rapidly press A. Throughout the game, you find secrets. These include spheres of the planets, coins made of various metals, and Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions. These enable you to reveal secrets in the last bonus level. You can read up about these secrets in a side panel, where you can also look at clues you have been through, history, art (mainly artwork of Da Vinci, the whole title revolves around him!), people you have met, and places you have been. This panel can be helpful
This game is meant for people who don't get frustrated and quit easily. If you do not like it, then you simply do not, which is why I recommend reading reviews (both the ones that rate the game bad and good, it helps to see a variety of people's opinions) and renting the game if you think it sounds good. I bought this game without question, because I thought it would be interesting. To my chance it was. But who knows what dissapointment could have happened? So read, read, read. It even says that in various religious books. Then if it's to your liking so far, rent, rent, rent. It says so in this review.