Honestly it's a cracking game but what's let me down is the AI, they barely run when they see the DARKNESS ?_?

User Rating: 8 | The Darkness X360
Everything hits the right spot but unfortunately there are a few annoying snags ( but I wont go into detail ) the creeping dark can become frustrating when you try to make it climb a wall but you find yourself losing any sense of direction if you creep onto the wrong surface. Also the AI is rather stupid at times, fair enough some people will say something about you when your in the Darkness mode, but apart from that....they barely seen to be scared of seeing something unreal before them. ( must be the fact that the city's ridden with demons or something. ) Good point is, i havn't come across many games that puts you in the hot seat for being the bad ass, how cool is it that you can lift up a police car and squash the officers up against the wall....or play clay pigeon shooting with a mob goon before devouring his heart. If only the multiplayer incorperated those features.