Embrace the Darkness... and be consumed by it...
Never have I seen such a unique, dark, and twisted story in my entire life. I love this game, and I also am a little scared by it at the same time. Its a twisted neo noir tale of Mobsters, Demons and a bit of love thrown into the mix. When you first get the powers of the Darkness, it feels good, hell it feels great. You feel bad ass and powerful... and then you see how easily it can turn on you. That you are truly only its puppet in the end. It makes itself known as pure evil.
The inclusion of Otherworld was also a very unique and wonderfully dark experiance in my opinion, I loved and hated going there at the same time, I loved it because of the intense battlefield, the zombies and the pure action, and hated it because of how dark it was and how evil it was. It was like.. going to hell and loving the trip on the way down *Wink* In short The Darkness is an amazing game, which I would reccomend to everyone, but I must warn you it is not for the faint of heart. The only reason this game is not a pure 10 is because there were times I felt the Darkness was invisible, and that more could have been done with the story. For example Jackie not questioning what the hell just happened when he mangled people in the cemetary. Also Paulie and Shrotes calm and cool reaction to the Darkness had me a little.. disappointed. I personally felt they should have been scared out of their minds, but maybe thats just me.
All and all an instant classic, if you love FPS and you love horror games, pick this game up for your 360, its $60 well spent, trust me on that.