Tentacles and Mobsters, what could go wrong?

User Rating: 9.5 | The Darkness X360
I've haven't really heard that much about this game until about about a month before it came out. I saw some video of these snake things eating hearts out of dead guys and I was intrigued. Not just because i've wanted to eat hearts all my life, but this looked completely different then the games that have been coming out. I mean what other game is going to make you advance your skills by eating hearts certainly not hour of victory. Heart eating aside once I started to play the game realized that this game was pretty damn good. This game has pretty graphics and the story is very interesting. Lets put it this way, the darkness is a hot chick that's actually smart (not saying that all of them are dumb but you know the kind), and Transformers (not the movie the game ( The movie was hardcore!!)) is a hot chick that has marshmallos for brains. So unlike Transformers (the game) which is pretty but lacks substance the darkness is good to look at and has mucho content to keep you coming back for more ( that was kind of confusing but if you think for a second you'll get what i'm talking about). well multiplayer is another story. when I played the multiplayer i think it was my unlucky day. I kept warping all around and if I killed someone it was only by luck and not by skill. It was pretty funny everyone was just complaining how bad it was and not actually trying. If your looking for the next big multiplayer game wait 'til halo 3 comes out. Aside from multiplayer, this is a pretty solid game even if many accuse this game of being short their are plenty of things to keep you busy. The thing I like to do most is see how far I can chuck people into the air with the tentacle (I got one on top of a building once!). One more thing I would like to commend is the blood. To me blood can make or break a game. For example, Red steel, not too bad of game but blood would have made it ten times better. When I shoot somebody or stab somebody I expect a liitle blood. The blood in the darkness is very real. Its pretty cool when blood hits the wall then starts to run down it. It is also appropriately gooey (Wich is freaky but awsome). In conclusion The Darkness is freakin awesome, all of the darkness powers are equally cool and the story just keeps you pluggin away. So if your looking for the game of the summer this is probably it.