darkness is a very different game to start with.it is not the usual fps games we get to play.this one has a whole new way of combat and a lot of new things to offer.the action is way different and can be only felt and understood by playing the game.the graphics is top notch,some marvellous touch to every detail of what environments the game offers,superb lighting,very vivid details which is very well suited to the tone and manner of the game,weapons are nothing special although the shooting is fun and gory.the blood splash is well portrayed and the new combat system with the power of darkness and the demon in you is new and gripping.the creatures that assist you arent very useful although it adds to fun in the game.a good storyline is what makes this one very gripping.in short darkness is a great game,an even better fps,and a top notch cinematic action experience for the new gen consoles.i played it on the xbox 360 and loved it.
What this game can tell about itself is that it's incredibly original. While it might be a first person shooter, it completetly creates an individual genre where only two games belong to: Riddick and The Darkness. Sim... Read Full Review
What can you say? This game is fantastic on every level. I'll run through each section individually to give you better perspective of what this game does right. Gameplay: Top notch. Intuitive and understandable co... Read Full Review