first person action with a demonic gore twist, if your into that.
User Rating: 8.4 | The Darkness PS3
so in this game you play as a young mob gangster named jackie estecado. in the beginning of the game you'll find that your boss and also uncle seems to have some harsh feeling towards you. an "accident" happens (and you will find this out about ten minutes into the game) and the darkness comes and saves you, oh yeah.. and also tries to take control of your soul. as you play through the game you'll find out the origin of the darkness and why it has chosen you to be its host. you'll jump back and forth between modern day city streets to fight on and demonic gothic versions of hell in which you try and fight the darkness inside you. along the way you gain cool and awesome powers that the darkness grants you to use to kill your enemies, and trust me, some are pretty sweet. character animations are awesome and theres also a variety a free play side mission that you can take on in the subway whenever you feel like it. all and all the game is a good game for fans of first person shooters with a somewhat rpg twist, mixed in with tons of gore and violence.