This game has an awesome campainthat will make you feel like you are in a movie. Multiplayer sux. Campaign gameplay rox.

User Rating: 8 | The Darkness X360
Story/Plot: You are Jackie Estacado and you play the role of a mafia hitman. It is your 21st birthday and apparently something went wrong on a money collection and now the Don of the mafia wants to **** put a cap up Jackies erm...behind. But before this a mysterious force known as the Darkness saves Jackie from certain death and Jackie must learn how to control this Darkness before the Darkness consumes him.

Campaign: The story mode is the highlight of the game. You play as Jackie and you get to control the Darkness which makes the game awesome. To use the Darkness you have to be in Darkness meaning usually you either have to find a dark corner or you take out the lights via switch or shooting out the lights. You start the game with no Darkness powers but you eventually learn 4 main powers. The first power you start with is Creeping Dark which is a scouting like power where you control a snake like thing to go around and kill things. This is cool at first but in the beginning of the game this power is extremely weak since the Darkness can't stand to long in the light and most bad guys tend to be around light. The second power you get is Demon Arms which you impale enemies. I won't spoil the others but they are pretty cool. The other highlight of the game is it's touching story. It's very deep and the game feels like a movie (some people might consider this a bad thing but it's not in this game). It has very good story telling and you might even want to cry at some parts. That and the campaign will last you a while probably around 10-15 hours on a guess. Now to talk about the weapons. The weapons are fairly generic but there a decent amount of them. You have your shotguns, submachine guns, pistols, and assault rifles. The cool thing about this game though is if you get close to an enemy with a smg, a pistol, or a shotty you will preform a finishing move and these are for the most part **** awesome. Now to get to some bad points of the game. The game can be confusing if you take a break and forget what you were supposed to do. There is an objective menu that helps out if you forgot what to but still it gets fairly confusing. Also the fact you get to play in New York is cool but in the beginning of the game if you don't pay attention to the cutscenes and don't pay attention to the people you talk to you will get lost and the auto save feature often fucks you over so that you can't go back. That being said for the most part the campaign is awesome.

Multiplayer: This is the thing that screws the Darkness over. The multiplayer is horrible. If you buy this game don't buy it for the multiplayer you will be extremely disappointed. The main issue with the mulitplayer is that it's laggy as hell. If you played Tenchu Z online and saw its lag imagine that times 3. Another issue with the MP even without the lag is it's very meh. You can't use your Darkness powers and it seems very basic. There are some cool things about the multiplayer though. If you played Halo 2 or Perfect Dark Zero for a bit you might be aware of a gametype called Zombie/Infection. This game comes with a similar thing except for with darklings and it's really cool if you can get into a not laggy game (good luck with that). If you want to play a not laggy match though I've found that Human matches are not laggy but again that ruins all the fun of being a Darkling and it's very generic FPS multiplayer. So in a nutshell mulitplayer sux hard unless if they get a patch to fix it and even then it's very basic.

Graphics/Sound: Graphics wise the game looks pretty good but I have never been one to judge a game based off this. The darkness looks awesome/spooky and the environments can creep you out and it looks like a city. The darklings look sort of odd though if I had to say something bad about them and Jackie talks funny when not in loading screens. Sound wise the game sounds spooky as hell and the dialog is pretty good, especially the darkness. Plus the random enemy dialog can be pretty funny if you stick around. To hear it. That being said I wasn't to thrilled by graphics but they weren't horrible. And the sound was great.

Achievements: You can unlock achievements by beating story mode and playing the craptacular multiplayer enough to obtains wins and killing sprees. There are also little achievements in the story that are cool to find like seeking peaceful solutions are sticking around with your girlfriend long enough Wink. There's also objects that you find and you unlock achievements like in condemned. Plus leveling up your darkness powers and using your darkness powers enough also unlocks achievements.

Score: 8

Pros: Awesome story that hits you down deep inside with good use of creepy as hell yet effective darkness powers that make the game **** awesome.

Cons: Confusing parts and HORRIBLE multiplayer.

Comments: Definitely worth a rental/buy if you love single player games and don't let my score discourage you. I'm sure with a game that's a sweet as this there will be a patch to fix some of the major problems with the lag and if they do that I'll give this game a 8.5. But for the moment there's just no excuse for the MP for being that bad.