Do you have demons inside you? Do they need food? Let them feed on this game as you enjoy it!

User Rating: 9 | The Darkness X360
Welcome to The Darkness! In this game you take the position of 21 year old Jackie Estacado, a mafia hit man. I wont spoil too much but the mafias "family" mainly turns on you as your "uncle" Paulie sends a hit out on you. Not only that but Jackie has inherieted "The Darkness" which is a demon inside of him festering and slowly growing. The plot is well told and if you didnt know this game is bassed off of the comic book with the same name! Baiscally everything in this game comes directly from the comic book, mainly the story, characters, and setting. The gameplay is well done and the animations are very smooth and lifelike. The Darkness powers are very fun to use my personaly favorite is the demon arm which can cut through your enemies like butter. Id say buy the game if you like a good story or a first person shooter. There isnt much replayability though the game was good enough to make me play it again a few times. All in all id say buy the game and enjoy it! (Please note that i cant review the multiplayer as i dont have xbox live so read another review for that information) Thanks for reading!