Good game to sit down to if you have just completed your lates buy and need something to play alone or online with.
The graphics in the game are excellent, the dialougue one of the best i've heard if am being honest. The games storyline is phenominal aswell, after you first witness your girlfriend being murdered by your uncle you commit suiced, yes game over? I don't think so, your all of a sudden in "hell" witnessing zombie germans kill zombie brittish soldiers!! Yes who would of thought eh? Only the genious developers at starbreeze and 2k games! I also have to mention the weapons in the game, i mean there frikkin quality, devourin the heart of one of mafia peasants who stepped in your way GREAT FUN! They Darknesses weapons are also of a high standard, the 'demon arm' is a favourite pinnin your opponents to walls, or sucking them into a black hole haha excellent creativity! The storyline finishes superbly, i mean really really superbly! Overall this games deserves a 9 on my basis that its story, dialogue and graphics kick ass!
You have al probelly gave up reading but anyway, get the game its a bargain 15 pound it probly costs now! Go get itt sonnn ;)