This title had a huge opportunity to stand out and be great and different.... great in theory, fail in execution
Thankfully, this game has a diamond to redeem itself for everything stated above. This game has additional demonic arms that can be used to slash, grab and torture enemies in a few uniquely gruesome ways. These arms, plus the ability to shoot and control two additional simultaneously make for a deadly unstoppable feel.
However, the opposite is the truth on higher difficulties. Don (hardest) difficulty is challenging for folks not accustomed to its gameplay. At this difficulty, you can see where it is lacking. The game does not have an ability to duck and stay close to cover. There is a crouch feature, but enemies can pretty much shoot you behind anything. This makes boss battles annoying since some bosses have the ability to shoot through walls: making your only defense strafing and shooting.
The demon arms and gruesome finishers become very repetitive and boring. Especially since there is a two playthrough minimum to platinum. Equally annoying is your side kick that you can use as a living projectile... he say literally two sentences over and over and over. There were several times where I tossed him away just because I couldnt stand him any longer.
Fortunately, the game is not very long, and your second playthrough on easy (if you did Don, first) takes only a few hours, since enemies are one shot kills and your accuracy skills are A+ from your hard run.
The game lacked dynamic, a huge script, graphics, sound. It did possess quick trophies, unique gameplay, and moderately interesting story line.
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