Fresh and innovative, compelling story, zero replay value.

User Rating: 8 | The Dig PC
When I first got The Dig, I was expecting some sort of "X-Wing" meets "Doom". Seriously, I don't know what I was thinking, but, after I got over the shock of playing another Space Quest game, I got sucked into the story. The puzzles range from insultingly easy to frustratingly impossible, but the storyline was so engaging, I was compelled to sit up, night after night, working to solve each mystery, just to learn the next bit of the story. Character development is done well and the music score is fantastic. There are few repeating sections of the game (unless you skip or miss a puzzle and have to go searching for it again). The story even ends beautifully (duh, it's Spielberg), but I found I couldn't bring myself to play it again. After completing it once, I tried to pick it up two or three times again and found I knew the story, I knew the puzzles: the rabbit was out of the hat, so to speak.

I think The Dig will fall flat with modern gamers: it just can't compete with the top hitters today, but it was a gem of a game, a sleeper hit so stealthy, not many people got it. Even today, anyone who like any of the Myst series needs to get The Dig.