Displaying an emo vibe while turning out to be a great game with amusing modes and fun online co op.

User Rating: 7 | The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile X360
The look and feel of this game is very unique as you progress through the story of either the "dishwasher" or "yuki", spilling blood every 2 seconds. My only knock on this game is how repetive the gameplay is even though the combos are quite fun. Online co op is also a nice feature to this game as is the arcade and challenge mode increasing the games playablility.

The story isn't as shallow as you might think it is where multiple levels have you escaping a ship and another has you traversing the moon. Boss fights left me frustrated as I was fending for myself which led me to find someone to coop with making it much easier.

There are various weapons at your disposal including machine guns, samurai swords and hammers. You'll also notice for a side scroller it encourages you to purchase items from robots such as fish and other things to heal yourself. For 800 microsft points I think this warrants a download for your arcade collection.