A great game
Graphics: I remember the game was stunning and it still is today. The water looks fantastic. The environment were fascinating and also very creative. Buildings were made from bug shells? There is also medieval like buildings which are pretty generic. But it's Vvardenfall's Dunmer culture that really shines and catches your eye. Weather effects looked great.
Character animations looked horrible. Why does it look like my character dislocated his upperhalf just because he got punched? The game also need's a physic's system since it's god awful here.
Gameplay: thre is not alot to do in terms of gameplay. It's fun short and satisfying to slash away at enemy's but it's bit simplstic and complex at the same time. There are three modes of attack and also magic. Some modes are better suited for the weapon you choose. Magic is pretty simple pick a spell from your list and switch to spell casting and cast it. Magicka(mana) is depleted. The most interesting component is alchemy. You will harvest from plants(Which can be literally found everywhere). and take the ingredients mix them together to make potions. The potions effect when you drink them depend on what ingedients were mixed. There are alchemical books that tell you how to make certain potions. There is also the marksman skill in which you shoot arrows at your opponents. If your magic is high enough and your skill permits it you can enchant your items to do magicka damage which makes it more powerful than it was since magicka ignores most armor. You also have a updating map that points to landmark locations and an self updating Journal that keeps track of quests and other notes. There is a fast travel system ranging from boats to silt striders to teleporation so you dont have to walk all the way to one town and back which makes it tedious. Of course you don't have to do the main quests or any quests and just go off exploring and killing anything. Heck you can just get lots of money for the sake of it. It's a great freeroam game.
Sound: The game's music is freaking awesome. Props goes to the person who doesn't hum along with the exploration tunes. While the voice acting is alright the weapon sounds silly. Story: The game's main quest story is particulary innovative and smart. After being released from a prison ship under direct orders of the Emperor Uriel Septim your sent to a town of Balmora to serve a Blade. The Blades the Eperor's spies in Vvardenfall help keep track and bring peace and prosperity to the land. Your told to investigate a prophecy of a hero "Nerevraine" who will drive the Imperial and Empire rule on Vvardenfall(apparently the Imperials ruled and govern Tamriel's lands). After a bunch of fetch quests the story gets interesting at you go to interesting places and meet creepy and personality filled characters. Sadly most of it is textbox chat so it feels like your reading a book. Loremasters may read entire conversations but casual gamers will skip thru it mostly only to look at the objective in his/her journal. I will leave the rest of the story up to you to find out and play. There are also clever little are big faction sidequests that range from daily chores and errands of the citizens of Vvardenfall to massive political sabotage. Since the game relies heavily on text and lore it get's boring for modern gamers
Races: The game's 9 races which haven't changed from previous games are pretty interesting and have updated looks. Still the facial models and body models look ugly and blockish.
Bugs: There's ALOT of bugs but that's to be expected in a freeroam game like this. Some annoying ones are savegame bugs that may destroy your 100 hours put into game saves and other cause your character to get stuck or fall thru the ground. Some break quests and make it uncompletable.
Still with all it's faults Morrowind is a great game. And Keep in mind i'm reviewing this on my first impressions years ago so Morrowind cannot keep up with today's games