Good. Nothing more, nothing less.
User Rating: 7 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind XBOX
Eh, what can i say. Wasnt bad, wasnt great. It had its moments. The things i like was the open maps. That was good but it was too big. It was good because you could go anywhere but bad because it made it too much of a storyline. Therefore it made it seem like you had to go where it said. Also, the graphics suck! Period. They were terrible. Also it seemed as if you were steering a truck. It was almost impossible to gain a level in anyting. Even locksmith. You had to unlock tons of houses to gain a level and half the time you needed to gain 5 levels to move on in the storyline. The good parts were obviously not the battles. Akward, boring, and E-A-S-Y. Although all these parts seem so bad, oddly it was amazingly addicting.