I have been through 100's of RPGs since the days of the Amiga and this is the best one I have ever played. Incredible!

User Rating: 9.8 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition PC
Strangely enough the first place I found out about Morrowind was Ebay. The description was enough to stoke the interest in me. Complete freedom, choose your own quests, travel a beautiful fantasy land. A few screenshots later and I was sold. I still remember the first time I played it, it really felt like I had walked into a different realm. I took the Silt Strider to Balmora and thats where things really started to take off. There were literally hundreds of things to do, it was overwhelming! So much so that I just stopped playing for about a week, I was just in awe at the scope of the game.

Part of the charm of MW is the graphical detail: there are hundreds of different weapons, armour, items, spells. The variety makes the whole game seem so vast. The different areas are also very different from each other. In places, the land seems like it was formed using of those special terrain tools but with expert guidance on how mountains are shaped and how grasslands look and even how the weather changes.

My favourite thing about the game is the central quest that you learn about as you explore and talk to people. Going on all the different sub-quests is part of building up your character to allow you to complete the main quest. The whole game is tied together so well.

The sounds are also worth mentioning as that is important part of RPGs that is usually overlooked. The speech of the NPCs is used well to make the player forget he is playing a game, and the sound effects of the different animals and monsters always seem fresh and original, not just the usual roar! and aargh! One sound that I remember even after 6 months of not playing the game is the Silt Strider, it's like the call of a very large bird but sounds like it just belongs in the game.

Overall I loved the game. It always felt to me like it had been made by gamers like myself who know what makes a good RPG. There were hardly ever any dull moments, probably because there was so much to do and see. The whole game just has amazing variety. I could pretty much recommend this game to anyone, even someone who has never played an RPG, it literally is so easy and natural to play, but at the same time, so much fun.