It's really more of the same. Hard to get back into this after shelving the game for a while.

User Rating: 8.9 | The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal PC
I originally beat Morrowind fairly soon after the game came out. It was some time after that that I got this expansion, and because I was out of the game for a while, it was even longer until I tried the expansion.

It was a real mixed bag jumping back in. It is SO hard remembering everything. Morrowind is so expansive, you just lose it so quickly. The only saving grace is that this game is much more story driven, and takes place in a small unattached (anywhere on the map) place. You CAN get back into it, but even just remembering my character again was tricky. I really need to play this again from the beginning. Especially since the second add on was even harder to get into, and I never completed it.

Enough rambling about that. This was fun. The plot was much more coherent. At the same time, I kind of liked the open ended messiness of the original "plot" in Morrowind. I gave a real sense of mystery and "epic past". This one was much more cut and dry. It was fine that way. I enjoyed it. Can't say I liked it as much as the original. I really just adds to the whole experience.

For the next game in the series, I'm waiting until all the expansions are out first. It is way to hard going back again rather than just enjoying this stuff from the beginning I suspect.