Morrowind is one the best rpgs ever, and the best thing is thier's no real righ way to complete a quest.

User Rating: 10 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition (Wide Box) PC
Morrowind is one the best rpgs ever, and the best thing is theirs no real right way to complete a quest it completely up to you. The graphics is beautiful, especially the water. The combat system could be a bit better especially the magic but on the hole it's great. The main quest is fun to complete and once you've done it it's not the end of the game because theirs always a quest complete, if you can't find one you can just get a mod. However if your looking to buy an rpg, Oblivion is better but morrowind is perfectly good if your graphics card is not good enough to run oblivion.