This is a re-tweaking of my review of Morrowind on At the time, my user name was sarge_Maximus2.

User Rating: 8.3 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition XBOX
Not bad?!? I was pretty disapointed?!? Someone even said how long it takes to finish the main story line! Morrowind is not a game to be critisised because of some blips and maybe some average graphics. Someone I know even complained about the fact that you can't sit in chairs! Give the game a break! Think about it, the game practically lets you do what you want, it has the most realistic environment graphics I've ever seen, ( have you seen the water? Then you know what I mean.) the game play is so indepth, thats a good thing by the way, and the artificial intelligence is great!

For example, once I decided to go back to Syda Neen, you know the place were you start? Anyway, I picked the lock to that office were most of you stole your first items from the back rooms... anyway, I went in and that bearded guy was just sitting there and I took out my sword and I attacked him. The gaurd came and I tried to kill him but I got tired of fighting so I ran away, when I got back to Balmora, I paid off my bounty at my local thieves guild and was free, I thought I'd be able to go on with my life peacefully... my opinion about this changed however when I went back to Syda Neen on some treasure seeking business. When I got there, which was one week and two bounty's later, I had no bounty at the time and I was looking forward to finding the roumored sunken ship in the surrounding area.

However, when I got into town I heard the familear sound of swords being drawn, I turned only to see a mob of angry guards running towards me. I went to the atributes window to put on some armor and get out my Claymor and I decided to see "how high my bounty was" only to find that I had no bounty. I fought off all the guards and thought that would be the last time.

Unfortunately from then on whenever I went to Syda Neen the guards would attack me and I would kill them and gain more attributes. Some people say that this is dumb and that the guards should only attack you on the first time, I say its like the new guards have been briefed on me and to watch out for me, so as to bring me to justace, and believe it or not, after I killed that bearded guy the first time I went to Syda Neen again, my reputation jumped one point. All in all Morrowind is a wonderful game and I urge anyone who feels diferently about it, not to critisize it, it took alot of time to make that game and its time well spent, but to just point out what you feel needs to be changed, for me I think they need to change the fact that you can't sit down. Also I urge anyone who doesn't like morrowind for some strange reason, to try it for at least an hour then if you still don't like it, well that's your right, but your missing out on a great game.

Gameplay: 8
Why: Aside from some annoying glitches and useless general population, the gameplay is what drives this game. It is so in depth and open ended, it truly feels that you have stepped into another realm.

Graphics: 5
Why: At the time, the graphics were good. The water looked excellent as did the environment, but the character models and some animals didn't look that great.

Sound: 10
Why: Musical score is excellent. Dialog (for what dialog there is) is great. Weapon slashes and sound effects also all par.

Value: 8
Why: Excellent game to play. Can keep you busy for months. But not because you need to go back and start over again because you lost a challenge or something. Can happenm, but if your careful it won't. Unlike Zelda games where you have to retry because you didn't see how to beat the stupid puzzle, Morrowind requires skill that is easy enough to learn.
The game itself allows for extreme gamplay because of it's vastness. Even if you learn all there is to learn about combat and such, there are millions of things to keep you busy should you want to. (it's not hard either, but not too easy. Hard to describe.)

Reviewer's Tilt:
Why: Because I love the game. Best game in history.