The Best RPG ever. No it's not hype.
User Rating: 9.6 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition PC
Wow where to begin. Let's get this out of the way first. Elder Scrolls III, is without a doubt one of the best games I have ever played. And this from a fan of games like Doom, Half Life, and Duke Nukem ( Hey where the hell is Duke Nukem Forever Anyway, ah who cares. ) With a game as good as Elder Scrolls III, I've become a convert from boring games like Doom and Half Life, to one of the most entertaining games to date. Really there's no way to do this game justice with a 100 word review. You'd need at least 10,000 words for a proper review, but most people would probably fall asleep before getting to the end. So I Won't bore you, go out now and purchase this game you won't regret it. Oh and forget about Elder Scrolls 4 it sucks compared to this game mainly because it was developed with the XBox 360 in mind not the PC. So you'll just be playing a console port. DOWN with console ports, it's an injustice to PC gamers everywhere. Oh sorry I lost my mind for a moment. Anyway Buy Elder Scrolls III you'll love it.