An amazing game with a few MAJOR pit falls. If you can handle the bad stuff, the best game ever made.

User Rating: 8.3 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition XBOX
I just need to say this...Morrowind is a truly awesome game; it has as immersing game play as Oblivion but it true strength (and weakness) is Vvardenfell's massive size (Imperial lands x 10). The amount of sci-fi/fantastic landscapes in Morrowind is refreshing and not your ordinary terrestrial terrain. Vvardenfell's immense size and varied landscape will keep you occupied for 100s of hours although most will be travel to different quest points which are sometimes nearly impossible to find. People who like me have played Morrowind and Oblivion will love Oblivion's fast travel system something Morrowind lacks. Oh Morrowind has a fast travel system but you probably spend as much time getting to it as it would take to get to your destination by foot. Travel can get rather dull during the main quest in which you receive quests on the north tip of the island and complete them through out the entire island. Morrowind also somewhat frustrating for this and a few other important issues but if you can handle bad merchanting, long times walking, bad quest journal system you can enjoy a immense world which has all the best features of Oblivion and more.