I like Morrowind so much, I always come back to playing it. Even after Oblivion, it's still the best of the series.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition PC
It has been such a relief, after the disappointment that Oblivion has been to me, to set up Morrowind again on my Hard-Drive. And to go back to this place that, though still full of surprises, sometimes I feel like calling home.

Together with its two expansions, and enhanced by a dozen of the best MODs that improves the way it plays, looks and feels, Morrowind nears perfection. This true work of art has a potential to be the game of a lifetime. With the unlimited possibilities of its MODing capacities, Morrowind can live a life of its own, weaned from its makers. Never will it be obsolete and, as shows the failing Oblivion, it's quite impossible to replace.

Morrowind is a real, huge, addicting, never-ending RPG. Too bad the combat system can be so awkward, at times. I wonder if anyone would craft a MOD that would make it turn based... Why not ? Everything is possible with Morrowind. A game that really belongs to the people. Not just a game in fact... but a world.