Once more, into Vvardenfell!
A couple of quest-lines run side by side, so you'll definitely have plenty to do on Solstheim. Actually, I installed this expansion at the same time I installed Morrowind and Tribunal, so I found myself making visits here periodically even during the Morrowind MQ. But be warned if you do that...the foes you encounter here are much tougher than the standard opponents in either Morrowind or Tribunal. Which actually makes sense, since it is assumed you have completed those games already, and have a character who is fairly high-level.
If you've played the other Morrowind games (which you MUST have, since this is an expansion), you know what to expect. Bloodmoon doesn't disappoint...in fact, my favorite quest in the entire series is here on Solstheim...the "Skaal Test of Loyalty"! Play it and see if it doesn't cause a swelling in your chest as well.
And WEREWOLVES? What's not to like?
ooowwwoooooooooooooo...get yer moon-howling on!