Oblivian is a good, but repeditive game!
User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
I do not personally own Oblivian but i have played it alot at sleepovers with my friend, and i have made an account on oblivian and i think that it is an overal awsome game. However the graphics are mostly good, nad there is alot of realistic things that spice it up, i believe that after a while it gets repedetive and you ask yourself, "Why am I wasting my time on this?" But a few days later you accidently turn it on, and you remind your self, "Oh yeah, i play this because i have nothing better to do!" So you play and you decide to not save and so you kill all your friends on the game, and end up with loads of cash from all the armor, and weapons you accuired from the people!