The Best RPG Available for the PS3.
User Rating: 9.1 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3
The direction that Bethesda Softworks took when it created Oblivion is bold and ambitious. Overall, the developers have done an overwhelmingly good job at recreating a living, breathing world for players to explore. I have spent a good 50 hours with the game and I have yet to scratch the surface of the main quest. I have instead devoted my time to advancing the in the Thieves Guild. The cool thing about this game is that you can do anything you want to do. You can be good or bad. You can fight with weapons, magic, or guile. You can pick locks, pick pocket people, combine herbs and chemicals to make potions and poisons, you can do just about anything you can imagine. That is what is cool about Oblivion. I'm sure one day I'll get around to completing the main quest, but the point I'm trying to get across is that Oblivion is a game that plays the player. You get what you put in. Yes this game has its flaws, but it is so ambitious and gets so many things right that its flaws are somewhat irrelevant. Great game that is totally worth checking out. Runs much better than my Xbox 360 copy. Game no longer freezes at random places...