At first, I didn't know what to expect from this title. Fortunately, I kept an open mind and Oblibion blew me away!
The main element of gameplay that one will notice right out the gate that differentiates Oblivion from your standard RPG is the default camera. Its set to first person which looking back at it sent a message saying "prepare to immerse yourself in this world!" Using your sword, shield, or magic is as easy as the push of a button. You can set a group of weapons and magic to your D-pad to make switching weapons and magic during the course of battle quicker. The only gripes I had with control throughout the course of the game was certain enemies being able to dodge very quickly and move outside of your line of view. This only happened much later in the game as the enemies in the game level up as you do and become faster, so its actually a detail that makes sense.
From the outset, the story engulfs you and gives you a sense of urgency. The voice acting is solid, to further solidify the plot. EVERY character in the games has at least a comment to say to you, although many share the same voice. Thats a bad that I gladly took along with good because I've been longing for an adventure/RPG to use this approach. Many adventure games include irrelevant details into the main plot just for the sake of "longevity". Oblivion completely sides-steps this common blunder and sticks to the point. There are many cinematic and sentimental moments in the game that serve as an icing on the cake. One might think thats its a bit excessive, but its so well executed that you can't help but appreciate it all.
The graphics of this gem are going to be mentioned for a long time. This game is just simply gorgeous! From the sequence of character's mouths while speaking, to the sunset, to how objects off in the distance come into focus( although there is some "pop-up", it is minimal). One time while playing, I decided to stroll the mountains at nightfall in 3rd person view and stumbled an abandoned camp. The sight of the moons in the sky was great alone, but I felt the need to play with the camera and at a certain angle, you can see a nearby city below. I couldn't believe that a game could look so great prior to that moment. All in all, this is a great title to enjoy from start to finish. Its more of an adventure than a straight up RPG, but that helps widen the game's appeal to those who are not too fond of traditional role-playing game. You must play this game if you like a good story and good graphics.