Simply awesome
Let's start out by talking graphics. This game boasts top notch graphics. The reflections of the water and the way each character looks. The land looks different in each area. The draw distance is also really great. You can see the Imperial City from a high point in Cheydinhal. And it looks amazing
Gameplay: This game is really easy to pick up and easy to keep on playng. The world really brings the player into a land that has never been seen before. You can choose you you want to be in the game. The sinister assassin or the noble hero. Or play both for a while.... there are NO limits to who you can be. There are 1000s of NPCs to interact with and each has unique dialogue.
Sound: This game has a good sound quality. The only gripe about the sound is that each of the races has the same voice no matter what. The only unique voices are Martin Septim: Sean Bean and Emperor Uriel Septim: Patrick Stewart. But other than that, your sword strikes metal, it will sound like it hit metal. Even the hitting of bodies have a sound of their own.
Replay Value: Of course there is replay value. This game has so many options in it that this game can be played several times. A different race, different lifestyle, different attitude. This can be played over and over and over again.
Verdict: This game is one of the most intriguiung and fun games to play in the RPG world. The only gripe about the game would be the voices but that is a small detail that isn't too annoying. This game can be played for hours. Even maybe playing this game in a few years stil!!