A creative, challenging, and mind-bogglingly huge game, get this Titan.

User Rating: 9.6 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC
Elder Scrolls was awarded game of the year, and for a very, very, very big reason. The gameplay takes less of the final fantasy turn-based style but more of a hexen/Hexen II action RPG look to it, in first-person(or 3rd if you prefer). An important aspect of elder scrolls when you start out that makes it unique is that you aren't as limited in what you can do compared to MMOs like world of warcraft: although you can start out with more of an advantage in your starting abilities of the 25 skills available, you can do just about anything you choose.

Although I'd like to write down everything gameplay wise that's so damned enjoyable, it could take several pages, so let's just leave it at unique and a must-play. The graphics are very good - It's no Gears of war but it certainly doesn't make it any less intriguing and enjoyable. The audio is absolutely fantastic, fitting for every single environment(quite a few of those), with top-notch voice acting to boot.

This game will, well... let me break it down in pieces to say how long it "could" take you:

Main quest: 8-10 hours
Each of the guild quests: 8-10 hours
Arena: 3 hours
Optional quests: 10-15 hours
Exploring and general running around for fun: 5+ hours.

You may just make another character as well. Although I said you could pretty much do anything and everything with one, it's a lot easier to do a specific race and sign(which you'll pick in the beginning) for a certain "class" you're looking for.

If you don't have this game, rush to gamestop or bestbuy or a hobo in the alley to get this game, and be ready for the ride of your life.