This is definately one of the best RPGS

User Rating: 9 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
Gameplay : The combat has greatly improved from Morrowind, and is very good, especially for an RPG. It may get repetitive, but there are a good amount of weapons and spells. Its not too hard, either. Talking, traveling, and exploring is easy also. Some skills are useless, though.

Graphics : Wow. For a game this big, the graphics are amazing.

Sound : Music really makes a game great, and this game holds it down. The calm travelling music is relaxing and the fighting music pumps you up a bit. The sounds though, like hitting a tree, are very bad. Hitting a tree, grass, and basically anything makes the sound of a sword hitting steel.

But if you like RPGs, you will definitely like this one. It really does have 100 hours of gameplay.