A wonderful game.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC
I have this game since released date, but never got around to writing a review for it -- being that I haven't found the motivation to complete the main quest. That was 5 months ago. The only faction that I have completed so far is the Dark BrotherHood. All the other factions are halfway done, completed the gladiator challenges and on mission 3 of the main quest. Much of my other time on this game have been testing out different race and job combinations, and exploring this beautiful virtual world.

At first glance (10-20 hours), it was an awsome game, nothing was quite like it. The graphic was and still is awsome. Everything else -- gameplay, the many quests and the story just seems meaningless afterward. This is do meanly to being too open-ended, a large world and dull gameplay and special effects (sword play, bow, axe, blood, pyshical demage effect, magic effect and pyshic). After many hours of gameplay, the sense of progress just vanished. Thus the reason I lose my motivation to continue playing.

The monster level-up with your character gets really annoying. It destorys the purpose of leveling your character at all. The point was to become stronger than your enemies. To be able to explore more difficult areas. But I don't need to be doing any quest at all to level, I can just head to the endless many dungons and level up there. After a while... I realized the only reason I should level up is so I can get the new armors and spells. Which aren't that effective either considering I'll be battling more powerful monsters by the time I get them. The only armors and accessories I've found useful are the chameleon enchanted ones. With the help of the Arcana University, I've achieved 100% chameleon. And I went hacking, slashing, and blazing everything to bits and in flames. Then... it hits me that all the dungons are alike, they get recycle over and over again.

Everything starts to become very repititive, I start to feel like I am going in circles. I have gained 10 levels, got new weapons, armors and spells, but I am back at square one. Because the monsters have gained 10 levels too. Eventually, I stop caring about leveling, no sense to level up if I don't get stronger. It also makes the quests much more easier at lower level.

So I start to focus on only quests. The DarkBrotherHood quests were quite entertaining. Sneaking in the dark to take out your victims. Getting to the Arcana University was fun, enchanting your weapons and armors was nice, I can finally stop having to hunt for enchanted armors and weapons. The arena presents some welcoming challenges as well. By this time, I was tired of doing quests. I wasn't getting anywhere, I was still at square one. I have completed all these quests, and so what? There are still endlessly many more to go through. I have tested every races and jobs, and reach glass armor level. I look at the main quest and just don't see why I have to continue torturing myself.

After all that is said though, this is still one of the most visually stunning RPG ever made. OOO mod makes it even better. Enjoy!