many good features but also major bad points 2 the game make it virtually unplayable after a few short hours. read on...
-Fighting is nice with noticable wounds on enemy (group rpg)
-a little feature that lets you persuade people to give you more information, quite pointless and boring after several minutes though
-huge world with extremely detailed towns
The Bad:
-graphics are mostly ignored and so you buy an expensive graphics card with no rewarding benefits
-fighting can get boring especially if you are a warrior, clicking the mouse doesnt have that much variation to it, archers and spellcasters might be more fun
-incredible amount of items. you can pick up everything, cups, plates, clothes, skulls, all of which have no use. eventually you only open gold plated chests as you know everything else is worthless
-people speak to you so you can really read and get through the dialogue super fast
-huge world, and i mean huge. this is the worst feature in the game. the only real way to get around to each town or other places such as caves, castles, ect, is to get a horse, but horses are extremely expensive. so you have to walk, or more simply put, press the "up" key for the next 45 minutes till you reach the next town. this is the major crap point of the game. you can steal a horse but then you become a criminal and that means you cant really do anything until you confess and are jailed. and when you leave the horse it walks back to where you stole it from, so you have to steal another horse
-items continued. there are so many items each with very detailed descriptions, you may take 15 minutes trying to pick out the perfect piece of armour
-very long loading times almost every few minutes, unless you have alot of RAM, you are going to be waiting a long time. maybe around 15-20% (5-10minutes/hour) of game is in loading which is a heck of alot
-if you enter a persons house after dark you become a criminal. break into a persons house and u are a criminal. take anything and you are a criminal
some good points but many bad. i noticed these many bad points after just a few hours of gameplay and i just didnt want to play anymore, the repetitiveness and crapulence of the game. the time wasting activites like travelling and battling the endless amount of foes around the place
My ratings
Gameplay - 4, to fully be able to use all of the features takes much to long. a good game needs to have quickly accessable features so you are on your way in no time. battling is repetitive and pointless after a few short hours. conversations is also done badly. doesnt keep you wanting to play on and do that extra quest
Graphics - 6, yes they are good but they add very little to the game that could have been just as good with graphics that are alot worse
sound - 1, nice to hear voices but as i said, you can read alot faster. music is bad
value - 1, value i stopped playing after a few hours, and i doubt that if i were to play again i would play for any longer. its a game that is expensive but for no reason other than people will still buy it
tilt - 1, i didnt not like this game at all