Oblivion IS the most beautiful, most fun, and biggest RPG ever! The Revolution of a RPG. buy this NOW!
2.tons of DLC
3.Trillions of quests
4.Endless display of weapons, armor and magic.
5.did i mention how much locations you can discover.
6.Level cap is almost 45 to 70.( I've been playing for 2 years and im level 18.)
No doubt there are even more reasons but i think you should find that out yourself.
Story: A truly epic storyline. the king sees you in his dreams. as he foresees a devastating overrun of Oblivion gates rise it symbolizes the end of his life. (Hint) As long as a heir of Tamriel is in check the dragon fires would defend the land from oblivion portals from popping up. so the king knows of one last heir to his amulet and the position as king and you must find him and put a end to the invasion of Oblivion. there are much more to the story then one giant quest. you will find out once you've played this game.
9.7 out of 10
Graphics: Even for today's standards its a colorful and well detailed world full of very creative locations and magical artwork. the only problem i have with the graphics is the facial image of everyone. they all seem stiff and similar to each other. but non of the less a great step in graphics for its time
9 out of 10
Gameplay: Extremely fun for a melee system. games like condemned 1/2 don't pull it off, but the mixture of bows and magic also equal out any trouble you might have with just hitting people repetitively. you get to use more moves as you level up your character. side swiping and lunge attacks are just some you can get. the way you perform really reflects on your ability's, weapons, and armor. you feel part of the world of oblivion and never feel out of place.
9.5 out of 10
this game will feed your hunger for quality gaming. so go buy it. this is possibly the best RPG ever made and should be rejoiced and played forever.. till Elder scrolls 5 comes out. which I've got a mighty hunch there working on it. you see, Bethesda didn't make New Vegas, which started when they released Fallout 3. so i think they're making Elder scrolls 5 under our unsuspecting noses. i hope my hunch is correct because we need another elder scrolls. BAD!
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
10 out of 10