Its just so good that the main menu music kept me there for a good ten minutes. there are so many things about this game to talk about, i will start with the story. Its really and i mean really long. You will have this game for a year and still not have 100% complete mostly be because you will be hooked on the side quests and just plain living. Thats right, you can make a living in this game, but you cant get a job or buy a house but that wont be a problem because you will always be traveling in the huge open world. Gameplay: go out and slice up some bandits or maybe launch an arrow through a zombie's head, so satisfying. then maybe steal a potato from a random guy on the side of the rode then evade or kill the soldiers if you get caught. there is just so much to do so trust me this is a game that is worth buying for any console!
Other Helpful Reviews for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
It is Monday night, March 20, and I have played TES:O (Collectors Edition) for about 5 hours now, and I am loving it. The graphics everyone has seen are top notch, but what about the game ITSELF? After taking over 45 min... Read Full Review
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Well let me just say that I love PC games and especially enjoy PC RPG’s using keyboard and mouse and what will have the XBOX360 owners whinnig and PC gamers playing uncountable hours, of course the PC modding community. ... Read Full Review