A great compelling game that calls you to play it whenever you are feeling like slaughtering the innocent.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3
Elder Scrolls Four: Oblivion is a great game that you will play for ever then you just stop playing. Either from boredom or a power glitch that sent your saved data down the drain. This is why whenever you play a game that doesn't limit your saves you keep at least a two alternating save game slot. Anyway, this game comes with many quests by the game itself, but the PS3 version comes with the Knights of the Nine add-on which gives you another quest along with weapons armor magic scrolls and spells, and patches. The only downside to this game is Bethesda(creator) did their best to stop this, but when you go on a killing spree some people who are active in a quest die. A message should appear that you can't complete the quest anymore or the person just goes unconscious. Sometimes none of these two work or even occur. My game is completely glitched, which means I used the duplication glitch to much and something happened so certain points it get so laggy, game freeze, or locations of monuments arean't on the map or are just not where they are supposed to be. So if you are going to us the duplication cheat, do not use more than 99 scrolls. Back to the game. The quests are great. The main quest is a great awesome adventure. SPOILER ALERT. The end of the quest where Martin died saving the world was queit moving. The only downside to completing the main quest is the armor you get is a certain level that is based of your light or heavy armor rating. So you complete The Main Quest and you get the armor when you are level 23. Your armor is always going to be level 18. You are eventually going to upgrade to a better armor. Also the main quest once completion is aquired there are no more oblivion gates which means no more daedric armor, weapons, and artifacts. So don't compete the main quest fully if you want to stalk up on Daedric items first. The rest of the game can be fun if you have a friend who also plays it so you can compare sub-quests completed, areas and locations found, weapons and armor, and of course levels. Elder Scrolls Four: Oblivion-It is worthy of getting a 10.0,but there are those glitches where you get stuck and such that makes you angry. That's why I gave OBLIVION a 9.5 out of 10.0