Big games like this always fall short on detail.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is huge. By huge, I mean rediculously huge. And bigger, my friends, is not always better. The game consists of all your RPG elements. Combat, magic, factions, leveling up, character customisation, caves, caves and crap more caves. Since this game is way too big, I'm just going to do a summery.

*Spend 30 mins creating your characters facial atributes.
*Spend 1 minute wondering why so much detail goes into the face when you'll never see it again.
*Run around aimlessly doing quests of "kill this" "kill that" nature.
*Level Up.
*Get arrested
*Join a faction
*Find it puzzling why a beggar has a high class voice.
*Relise that all the voices in the game are recyled.
*Relise all faces are recyled.
*Never read any of the books.
*Get bored
*Last stand with imperial guards
*End Game.

There is just nothing that sucks you into this game. Sure theres lots to do, but its not interesting. You kill a guard in the forset with nothing but thumper and bambi watching and all guards seem to know exactly what you've done. And everything looks the same. Why is this? Its just a sludge of green trees and caves.

So this game does not deserve a 9.6. A 9.6 means its only .4 points away from a perfect game. And this is not a perfect game. It looses its fun within 5 hours.

Just a horribly boring game.