A must have for RPG fans!! You get a lot of almost everything RPGers love in this game

User Rating: 9.6 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
When I played Elder Scrolls III, I had a hard time getting into the game because it started off so slowly. I still want to go back and play through it, but from the little I did get to play I got a lot of what the game was about. This game goes well above and beyond that however, right from the start. You get thrown into the action from the begining, and you choose when you want to slow down. You don't have to go spend hours on end in towns if you don't want to, just go out and hunt.

As far as the games presentation goes, it's just amazing. This game has some of, if not the most beautiful land scapes and environments in any game that I've played to date. I own the 360 version and it's just breath taking, especially on a HD TV. The only real down side to the game is that when there are a lot of graphic models being processed at the same time the game can hesitate a tad, but it's nothing that interferes with gameplay, its just noticiable, and rightly so when you see how good the game looks. I personally feel like developers might want to cut back just a little so that the games run a little more smoothly instead of just maxed out in the graphics department. There are a couple of other minor issues that I've noticed with the game as well. Once of which was when I first put the game in my 360 it told me in order to play the disc I needed to insert it into a Xbox 360.....which...it was....It's some sort of bug whree the 360 thinks is a DVD and not a game disc, hopeully there'll be a remedy patch soon. The only other issue is occasional lockups, which I've also noticed in DOA4 and NFSMW, so at this point I'm not sure if it's the games or the unit, but I've only had it for about a month and a half, so I'll see as it goes along.

It appears the game will also have nice replay value for those who enjoy it. You can play through the game along the path of the Thieves guild and unlock achievements related to that path, or you do the Fighters Guild or the mages guild, that way you have ample opprotunities if you want to play the game again and still unlock points for your GermerScore.

Simply put, if you're an RPG or Elder Scrolls fan and have a PC or 360 you want this game. Elder Scrolls IV has the potential to do for the 360 what FFVII did for the PS years ago, but maybe not on quite as grand of a scale.