If you enjoyed Morrowind or open-ended RPGs in general, you have to play it! GO! That was an order!
The fact I'm not a great reviewer aside, this game is just so blasted huge that it'd probably be years before I could do a near-perfect summary.
But while I might be a bad reviewer, this game is GREAT.
The graphics are obviously stunning. From the rivers and lakes, the trees in the distance, the indentations and patterns in various armor and weapon types. If theres one thing you can't say about Oblivion, it's that it looks bad.
Cause this is surely one of the better looking games out there.
The sound is also top notch, unlike Morrowinds I didn't find myself turning off the music - it's not quite as intrusive as Morrowinds music, it's quite subtle - cept in battle, naturally, in which it picks up the pace as one might expect - but it works well. The voice acting is of the highest quality too, not once have I overheard or been in a conversation in which I say "God, that guys voice is horrible" - unless of course, the character was intended to be annoying, which is sometimes the case, so kudos to the voice actors on that.
The best graphics and sound in the world won't make a game good, so is the gameplay up to scratch? Thus far, I can safely say it damned well is alright.
The combats a vast improvment over Morrowinds, not only can you now manually block attacks but attacks never miss, thats to say, if it looks like it hit - it did. Unlike Morrowinds system in which you could swing and it'd look like you should've connected, but you didnt. By the way, the physics are also awesome. No death animations for us, ragdoll in the house!
It's nice to strike the final blow on a foe and have his head thump rather roughly into the wall and then slump to the ground.
Stealth is now a perfectly viable tactic aswell, it's always fun to sneak up and get the jump on the enemy, lurking in the bushes, watching and when the time is right - letting those arrows fly! And when they strike they'll do so with a satisfying "Fwap".
Because of Radient AI, the NPC's have shedules and whilst you can still all too often find them standing around ala Morrowind, typically they'll be atleast doing something - whether tis chatting with other townsfolk, practicing combat, raking and whatnot. At night, they head to bed - and they lock their doors behind them, using stealth you can sneak in and swipe their goods. Theiving is more challenging then Morrowind for certain, now that light is factored in and during the day people will follow you if you try to go into their rooms and some people will just plain out tell you to leave and give you a few chances before they get the guards or attack. It's.. Cool!
And thats about all I can really say for now, but I've been enjoying Oblivion since I picked it up - if you liked Morrowind, you'll love this. If you love open-ended games, you'll love this. Otherwise, well - I dont know. But it's one of the best games in recent memory so you owe it to yourself to try it!