Immersive and Revolutionary, Oblivion is a true gaming masterpiece, in every way.
The graphics are stunning, with so much attention to detail. There are a massive number of skills which you can upgrade, allowing you to play the game in many different ways, be it an Archer, a Mage, an Assassin or a Thief. The game's true triumph, however, is when you step outside the Sewers for the first time and see just how immense the game world is, and begin to become immersed as you rummage through people's possesions, listen in to conversations and fight some of the greatest AI while exploring the world.
The game allows you total freedom in how you play, letting you play at your own pace, and ignore the story missions while completign side quests or levelling your skills.
It just goes to say, a game doesnt have to be an MMO to keep you entertained for days on end and allow you to get lost in the amazing experience.