OK i have spent a lot of time playing this game because it is a good game! however, it is still overrated.

User Rating: 8 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PC
so many people commented highly on this game and
so did gamespot, however it feels to me like all
of them were so intoxicated by its stunning environment
and flash that they were quick to score it before actually checking it.
the game itself feels as if released while it's still

like the combat system. if you check gamespot's long history of reviews you can find so much about saying and lowering scores about clunky and clumsy combat system,
well I am sorry to be the one to tell you all but oblivion's combat system is the mother of all clunky and clumsy combat system!!!
it's boring and most of the time looks like two characters just stupidly running back and forth like morons!
of course it appears gamespot forgot to mention this small (HUGE!!!) detail in this review (which they like to mention and lowering grades to in other games).
another issue is the way they swing their weapons...
i have never seen such lifeless way of attacking in a game! about one movement left and right and maybe another one in a power blow!

spells... i have never seen such pathetic spell system in my life!
projectiles have maybe 3 versions according to it's elemental origins... and that's it!
lowest of level ice attack will look EXACTLY the same as the stronger one... the only difference is the effect maybe... but come on!!!!
one named blizzard and it looks exactly the same as the lowest of levels... boring simply boring!!!

yes clothes... with no distinction between male and female clothes... and so little inventory of clothes it just found another way to be BORING as hell!
90% of the robes look exactly the same and so many other! little creativity would do this game a lot better!
that's why there are so many mods for it! and i presume mods were part of the game when gamespot reviewed it...
because those are important elements which they so conveniently forgot to mention in their "this game is the best" review!

and the last but not least complaint... repetitive as hell!
yes! so much places like caves fortresses and so...
look absolutely the same!
kinda convenient when you think you'll spend most of your time in those places!
eventually you'll find yourself in the same places over and over AND OVER again ....
another one of the "small" details gamespot love to lower scores about and forgot to mention in their review... "sigh"

for conclusion...
i am sorry it is all complaints but it feels like so many excellent reviews were given to this game without mentioning those rather obvious and frustrating faults...
especially when they like to lower scores for so many games for the exact same reasons!
oblivion kinda fixes it in their way of open mod game.
however mods aren't part of the game and they should be mentioned!
all in all it is a good game and worth playing!
it has a lot to explore and to see!

good game with hours of game play...
but still overrated