Brilliant. The best expansion pack for a elder scrolls game ever.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles PC
I didn't really buy this. you don't need to. and i didn't pirate it. a friend bought it, and you can just use the disk install it, then you use the regular disk to play it. Anywho, on with the actual review. Once your in the shivering isles, you'lle know it. there are giant mushrooms all over the place and the sky (especially at night) is all pink and green and what have you. It's very shiny as well. yeaaaaaaaaaa. sorry, feeling a bit......... unconcentrated? i don't know, whatever. it's really fun and looks good, and sheogorath is hilarious. if you try and kill him, you get to go for a fun ride. i won't say any more on that topic. sweet new armor, madness or something, really cool. pretty long, 30 or so hours. longer than most full games. and better. (bioshock comes to mind). fun to explore, two halfes great, gatekeeper was the hardest fight of my life. (considering i didn't use the various things you were supposed to. thats all i can think of to say at the moment, it's bloody great, and should be owned by and elder scrolls fan. (unless you have a friend that owns it, then you can just borrow the disk.) Also, it comes with a new map.