On rare occations, a game comes along that shows what this medium is truely capable of producing, and raises the standard on which the entire industry is judged. People will talk about the huge, living world, the variety of gameplay options, and the deep character building features, but these things have been done before. The beauty of this game is the fact it pulls off each of these aspects so well. The huge world never becomes a burden, as it occationally did in Morrowind, with a useful but not intrusive quick travel feature. Quests are varied, sometimes sending you into dungeons, sometimes just sending you to talk to someone. Combat is fast paced, playing more like a FPS than an RPG. Other great features include the use of skill perks, bonus abilities that you get for mastering different skills. My only major complaint is the frequent load screens (which I would expect on a game of this size, but they are still annoying).
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The “24-hours in” Oblivion Review The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion needs no introduction, but I am sure there are a few readers who would want to know the background story before I continue. Oblivion is the fourth game ... Read Full Review
This game is awesome! Not quite perfection, but pretty damn close. I picked this game up last night and would still be playing it right now if it weren't for the need to sleep and go to work. I've been impatiently wai... Read Full Review