What i expected from this expansion.

User Rating: 8.9 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine PC
Lets just start this quick review off by saying if you have any extra mod's when u install knights of the nine, when ur doing the " Nature's Fury " quest look for a faq on KOTN and look for the troubleshoot it tells u how 2 get past the quests because ur not able 2 do them if you have extra mod's unless u read the troubleshoot.

Okay heres my review of Elder scrolls IV: Oblivion Knights of the nine. ( Don't think you didn't install the game properly if on the main menu of oblivion it doesnt say " KNIGHTS of the NINE ", thats what i thought but the mods were actually there).

KOTN adds alot of cool quests onto the game that really add to the story and to your characters trait. The New quests are really fun to do and give you lots of cool stuff and lets u explore alot of stuff that was in the game before but u never really noticed it. KOTN also adds a bunch of wepons to the game like a Orcish Wepons like the Orcish war axe, looks really cool and the Orcish War sythe. So overall the game play of KOTN does really add to the game in general.