This is truly one of the best games ever made
User Rating: 9.6 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3
This is not a game to be missed. It is the best game i own on ps3 and if you do not have your own copy by now you should be ashamed of yourself. The amount of freedom and things to do in this game are absolutely phenomanal. The gameplay doesnt get old because there is so much to do!!! The graphics on this game are incredible, absolutely positively AMAZING,SUPERIOR, ASTONISHING, the list goes on... The only nag I have at this game is the stupidest thing they could possibly leave out. WHERE THE HECK IS ONLINE PLAY!!!! this is the only nag i have and if the game had online compatiblilty, I would give it a pure 10 for sure. =)
As GS have said this is definitely not a game to be missed. I feel it is going to be talked about for a long time as sony starts to catch up with microsoft and nintendo...