Money well spent....and more money well spent.
The gameplay in Oblivion is flawless you will never have a moment where you have to pause the game and look at the controlls list to see what button does what. All the buttons you need to use are few and right at your fingertips. The main buttons to use are, spells, movement, and open containers. The only other button you use is the inventory button so all together you use 6 buttons including the movement buttons but only 3 outside the movement buttons.
The graphics in this game are out of this world, i have never seen a game look as pretty as Oblivion does. The amount of detail that this game gives is astonishing, no other game compares to it or has reached this one. If everyone thought DOOM 3 or Half Life 2 were beautiful then they are gonna be gawking rather then playing when they pick this game up.
The sound in this game is nice, it has it's moments, and trust me the moments are very nice. Though the sound is focused more on talking to other characters rather then ambient sounds that are around you. Caves are extremely bland when it comes to sound. The only sound you'll hear are your footsteps or your shield and weapon when battling. Other games have added the ambient sounds of caves, wind whirling past you , water dripping in puddles from above just little things that make the environment stick out are not there in ESO. Considering most of your honest money comes from caves it would have been nice to put a little more money into it.
The overall value of this game is........its the best game on the shelves, you will not go home and want to take it back or out of your even out computer for that matter. The game simply grabs you and doesn't even force you to keep playing you play on your own for the simple fact that it's that great of a game. Now i know i said there was a major downfall and there is. The graphics in this game, as i said before, are stunning...if you have the money for it. Most joe schmoe's will not have the computer to take on this game by any means. The graphics require such high perfomance out of your computer that it kills the likeablity for regular gamers who don't have the knowledge or money to spend on high performance. The only warning and bad thing i have to say about this game is that if your computer does not have a GeForce 6600 equivalent or better then i suggest to keep this on the shelves and cry that you can't have it because you will have to take the graphics down so much that it will suck the enjoyment right out of the game.