An entertaining RPG that falls short in a few key areas.

User Rating: 8 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
The Elder Scrolls games have always been known to stand for open ended gameplay, freedom to do what you like and most importantly lots and lots of quests, How does this newest member of the series fare? We shall see.

The first thing you will notice is the sheer quality of the graphics, beautiful textures rolling hills dark caves, dank prison cells all blend together to create a realistic looking world. However upon closer inspection things aren't as amazing as they first seem, peoples faces are an odd egg shape and many look very similar, pop in is a Big factor as you walk around and see the land virtually transform in front of you. Overall it's a fantastic looking game but with a few obvious blemishes.

Sound in this game is on the whole great, the sound of the rain lashing down with an epic score playing in the background is not quickly forgotten, the sounds of you and your enemies engaged in combat sounds truly ferocious. A few noticeable problems stop the sound being perfect, for one thing only a handful of voice actors play the roles of most characters, and although they sound great it's a bit strange talking to people who all sound alike in every town, however bonus points for having Patrick Stewart and Sean Bean as main characters.

Here we have a game with so much potential to be a true great yet manages to fail because of a few simple flaws. For a start the levelling in the game is pointless, as you level up so do your enemies, this makes the whole process pointless as you never truly feel as though you are gaining power. Another consequence of this is that NPCs have better equipment such as elven and glass armour and weapons, so you never feel better equipped than you enemies, also some enemies can be nigh on impossible to beat at higher levels making it a frustrating game in many respects. My final major criticism is of a lack of guilds and quests, in the last entry in the series there were well over 10 guilds to join each of which had a long series of quests, but in this there is just 5 if you include the main quests. This is still a very long game however and does reward the hours you sink into it just maybe not as much as you would like.

All in all oblivion is a good game that can and will be fun to play, however be aware that it can be sometimes frustrating to spend hours with your character only to feel they should be stronger than they are. Oblivion will take you a long time to finish and is worth every penny you spend on it.