Definitly one of the greatest games of all time! Exciting adventures with amazing graphics to go along!!
The graphics in the game are unbelivable. The scenery is almost realistic along with walls, floors and weapons. even the person graphics are pretty good. Even with the graphics mode not at full the graphics look awsome.
The sounds in the game are also very realistic. sounds come from all around you echoing and dimming as you get closer or farther.
The best attribute to this game is the storyline. The storyline was very weel written out. It offers much adventure and excitement as you choose from a variety of quests to complete. The more quests you accomplish the more experience your custom worrier will gain.
Lastly the citys in the game are amazing. Full of people, shops, castles, houses, and ships. The cities are incedibly reaslistic as you are draw in to realistic city life.
I would definitly recommend this game to everyone. Even If you dont like these games you wont help but be drawn in and addicted to this amazing game.