One of the greatest games, ever.
The first thing I noticed about this game was the AMAZING level of customization it offers, I had never seen anything like it except for on MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft. You can choose your race, change your skin color, alter nearly EVERY facial feature imaginable, It blew me away.
The game starts off at a fairly slow pace, In a bleak, dim, boring looking dungeon with the only enemies being rats and goblins. I can imagine that a few people would of used this game as a coaster after being immensely bored by the tutorial, but the people who play past this part of the game will find something amazing.
From the moment you leave the dungeons and sewers, you are greeted by a breathtaking world, I had never seen anything like it. From the moment I saw the way that the sun reflects over the water, The insane amount of detail on every rock, tree and wall, I knew this game was going to be something special.
I had read online that the difficulty on the game is quite hard, so for the sake of keeping my sanity, I lowered the difficulty bar all the way to the left.
The game play is quite typical for an rpg, slash with a sword, block, use spells to heal etc. but it manages to pull this repetitive combat system off amazingly well.
The quests are vast, unique, well-thought of, they will keep you entertained for HOURS on end. Most people say that the game will give you AT LEAST 100 hours of gameplay, which I do not doubt for a second, I look forward to investing that amount of time into this game.
I chose a warrior type of character to play, I imagine that the game would change vastly if you were to roll a different race/class, which means that this game would have some great replay value, i'm sure.
Anyone wanting to buy this game, should.
I am proud to be the owner of such an AMAZING game, I cannot compare it to anything else i've ever played. Fallout 3, Eternal Sonata, Final Fantasy 13, Infinite Undiscovery, nothing compares to this game.