I didn't think a game could keep me playing as long as this one did. It's one of the best RPG's ever.
There are tons of side quests as you explore the Province of Cyrodiil. Even after the main quest is finished the game is most certainly not. You can do tons of exploring for finding new weapons, armour, or for leveling up your character. Enemies will level as you level and your weapons and armour will become more powerful as you move up in your skills, allowing for the game not to get too difficult or too easy. If you have trouble with the enemies or you find them too easy you can adjust the in-game difficulty setting. There is a fast travel system that allows you to travel to any location on your map by choosing the icon that you've found for it. Fast traveling makes it very helpful when your exploring the vast province. You can also ride horses to get to places faster. Unlike Morrowind there are no teleportation spells or mages guild teleporters. The game also has a skill system which allows for you to become stringer with things like blade or heavy armour, etc. There are tons of spells you can use to change up the combat a bit. You can pick your own race and your major skills. There are tons of things to collect, find, etc,
The graphics in this game are just amazing. You can see for a very long distance and you will find yourself just standing there and taking in the view. If you are a big RPG fan than this game is a MUST BUY. It will keep you hooked longer than many games put together. Now make sure instead of the game you were just thinking of buying get this instead, it is definitely worth it.