Nearly Perfect.
User Rating: 9.7 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
This game is really great. There are some flaws in it though. One is that you can not see the foliage from far away. One thing that I like in a game is being able to look down and see your feet. The graphics are great and the sound is awesome. The main quest was too short and seemed too easy for me but the side quests add in hundreds of more hours so no complaining there. I like how the enemies level as you level so you wont fight a bandit with full daedric armor when you first start. I love being able to ride horses and buy houses and furniture. I dont really like being a vampire in this one since there are no quests you can do for them or there are not any different vampire factions like on Morrowind. I love how big the world is although I found it kind of boring walking from town to town and not running into any enemies most the time. The compass makes it too easy to find stuff unlike Morrowind where you just had to follow with the info you got and hope you are going the right way (which I liked that it added more exploration purposes). I also dont like the quick travel I personally think there should be some sort of transportation you have to pay for to ride. Being a theif/murderer isnt all its said to be since if you get caught you either pay a fine, go to jail, or fight an impossibly hard guard. Overall the game is the best I have played in a while and I will still continue playing it for a long time.