This game has great detail & almost unlimited gameplay but... there are a few bugs and problems in it that just anger u.

User Rating: 9.7 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360
Oblivion is one of those games that you will never seem to get bored of, or feel ripped off.. It will always keep you coming back for more and is unbelievably addictive. The game play in oblivion is insane with hundreds of dungeons with loot and re spawning enemies you will never have nothing to do, along with the main quest there is the 4 factions and the ever so enjoyable side quests. The graphics in this game are great, but not jaw dropping, it does have great amount of detail but if your comp can’t handle all the settings on max you may as well buy the 360 version if you own one. The sound in this game is good and bad at the same time, the music in the background is ok to listen to in the game but when you talk to the characters in the game their voices seem too alike... and sound the same... even though they are the same race. I’ve never played a game so much besides resident evil 4 so this game has unbelievable value, even if you pay extra for the 360 the only problems with the game are the bugs which either kick you from guilds, or which freeze the game which just frustrates you and can sometimes ruin the experience another problem is the freezing that occurs from the cache overloading this is very aggravating but shouldn’t be too much of a prob if your auto save is on fro every time you fast travel or enter rooms. ... The only things I would suggest to improve oblivion is to have more varied voices for the characters, fix the bugs, and have mods available over Xbox Live for free of for a REASONABLE price… but besides that OBLIVION IS A MUST HAVE GAME!