A Great world, thousands of enemies, hundreds of NPCs and a perfect story to follow. What else do you want from a
Let's start from the beginning. In most RPG games you have a few choices for your appearance but Oblivion solve this problem and give the player a variety of changes to make what him/her want, to make a handsome hero, an ugly monster, a fearsome orc and etc. after that you have to choose your race. There are many races in oblivion that all of them have their ability and it make the selection very hard.
Now we come to the story. You are in a prison. The emperor come and get in your cell. He wants to escape from your cell. There is a hidden way in the cell. He looks at you and says that he saw you in his dream that you will save Cyrodil. It's better not to waste your time. At the end emperor give you a necklace that you should give it too his son. Then he will die. After that you get out and from there the story begin. There are two kinds of story in the game, Main story and side story. Main story is about emperor and side story is about the tasks that people give you. I think assassin's guild is the best side story. Oh I forgot. There are some abilities that you should choose for your character and you should choose your sign of birth. It is very important what you choose because they will become your main ability and you can not change them anymore. Don't be worry, you can improve in other abilities.
Graphic in oblivion is at the end. If you have 1G RAM, Geforce 7500 and a two core CPU, you will see an incredible world. Unfortunately my system is 512 RAM, Geforce 5500 and Intel Celeron D 2/4 CPU. I can't imagine how I finished it.
Its gameplay is very good. You have a map that allow you to fast travel to other places if there is no enemy near you and you have been there before. The journal is at the best form. It has all things. You have a short brief of all stories. You can choose which to follow and always know what you are going to do.
I have just described a small part of oblivion. It is much bigger, much greater.